by Jean | May 26, 2020 | Becoming a Coach FAQ, Change, Emotional intelligence, Empathy
A little (self) kindness goes a long way Are you compassionate at work? To yourself first and others? Over the past weeks the word compassion had popped up – in my reading, in conversations with others and with clients in my coaching practice. I have been...
by Jean | Mar 27, 2020 | Becoming a Coach FAQ, Change, Virtual working
My lightbulb moment When I left London and moved to Singapore in 2015 to set up an APAC business, I was faced with a new challenge. In the UK and Europe most of my facilitation and training was face to face and classroom based. My APAC clients were requesting virtual...
by Jean | Mar 16, 2020 | Becoming a Coach FAQ, Career transition, Change
But I Like Change, Don’t I? A few years ago I got the job of my dreams, a role with a seat on the Executive Committee of a large organisation. I can remember how happy I was when I heard I had been successful. Then, for the next 6 months, it was all down hill...