Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 26 Oct 2021
- Time: 4:00 am
Coaching Week – From Languishing to Flourishing
Coaching Skills are Life Skills
Languishing has become a way of describing the struggle and challenges of living in Covid times.
Languishing is a sense of stagnation and emptiness.
However, we don’t have to languish – we can look for ways to flourish!
Flourishing is thriving!
In this session, Imogen Maresch, PCC Accredited Coach and Founder of The Presence of Mind Co. will explore ways to boost well-being and cultivate flourishing, for ourselves and others.
Drawing on evidence-based approaches from the fields of positive psychology and coaching psychology, Imogen will share some practical tips to cultivate flourishing, even during challenging times.
This session will not be recorded due to confidentiality reasons.
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Our Facilitator
Imogen Maresch